Monday, March 7, 2016

Mussolini and the Vatican

The Lateran Treaty was an agreement made between Italy and the Vatican in 1929. This treaty was signed at the Lateran Palace, in Italy by Benito Mussolini and Cardinal Pietro Gasparri. Historian Hubert Wolf rightfully called it a “pact with the devil.” 

This "pact with the devil," officially created the sovereign state of Vatican City, making Catholicism the official religion of Italy. This resulted in a 92 million dollar reparation given to the Vatican by Mussolini.

The Jesuits would then waste little time fomenting the 1929 stock market crash using their Knight of Malta short seller, Joseph Kennedy, thereby allowing the Vatican to use their newly acquired money to buy up the stock market for pennies on the dollar. Knight of Malta John J. Raskob would contribute to this by encouraging farmers to invest in the stock market during the roaring twenties. 

Mussolini was undoubtably a Jesuit coadjutor working for the benefit of the papacy each step of the way. His main objective was to regain Rome for the papacy after Emmanuel II seized it in 1870. Never forget that his advisor and confessor was a Jesuit by the name of Pietro Tacchi Venturi. 


  1. This sounds like none other than Eric Jon Phelps

  2. This sounds like none other than Eric Jon Phelps

  3. This sounds like none other than Eric Jon Phelps

  4. Eric John Phelps is controlled opposition. His racism is made to make anyone who brings up Jesuits as idiots. Read Rulers of Evil.
